
Amazing Little Girl

His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 2 Peter 1:3 NIV

Choose life, don’t be too serious, live well, keep the faith, love more, do better every day, and learn to say yes much.

Elige la vida, no seas demasiado serio, vive bien, mantén la fe, ama más, hazlo cada día mejor y aprende mucho a decir sí.

Choisissez la vie, ne soyez pas trop sérieux, vivez bien, gardez la foi, aimez plus, faites mieux chaque jour, et apprenez à dire oui beaucoup. – Christianna Random video! 🙃 #life #yes #reels

Click to see: https://www.instagram.com/reel/ChXdCA-pQMO/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=

I am a blessed Cabin Crew who enjoy writing and who is trying to get back at it.

6 Comments on “Amazing Little Girl

  1. His divine power cannot do anything for sufferring and sorrow, especially for childrens, everywhere in this earth. Please don’t forget !

      1. I’m not god but, if he exists, I am a part of him, like you. As a part of god, we’ve got senses, and eyes. We cannot be blind about injustice and suffering. And God can’t ignore it to. So, two solutions
        1- he doesn’t exists
        2- He let us get by, waiting hiden…?
        But at last, no actions from God against the Bad and violence in this world. Child suffer in name of god, no blessing for them. And ask God an action now!! People like you is good, but sometimes, don’t want to see the reality. Excuse me madam! Thank you and, if He see us in this comment, I’m not afraid of Him, because i’m sincere. Jesus please! Help us now, before it’s too late.

      2. I can understand why you commented the way you did. Are you losing your faith? Because I know that Christ suffered too as the Son of God.

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