
Flying is My First….

Flying is my first love. That’s my first love. Never be afraid to bless your own dreams of exploring the world. You were bless with you and your dreams long before you even knew of this existence. Take on that bible and run with it until you find your longing place in this world; even if it means moving all over the world; guess what I say you can do anything. Find that first of love and longley be happy.

Welcome to the Friendly Skies! Come fly with your favorite FA🛫❤

I am a blessed Cabin Crew who enjoy writing and who is trying to get back at it.

4 Comments on “Flying is My First….

  1. I will hopefully be flying by myself a first for me To see an old high school friend. I’m a bit nervous but excited. It’s one of those things I feel I need to a accomplished.

      1. Thank you so much. That’s what I keep telling myself that I will be fine. Im looking working forward to it. I would love to follow your blog, but I can’t find where to follow it

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